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Give thanks for less stress this holiday by making these dishes early

Between turkeys and hams, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pies…Thanksgiving can be a lot of work. The good news is that you can spread the load out a bit by making these four dishes ahead of time, and still impress your guests.

Make the freezer your friend

When it comes to preparing a feast for a large crowd, finding enough time in the day, or enough space in your oven, can be among the most difficult parts. So the next time you host an event, whether for the holidays, birthdays, family reunions or another gathering, consider making one (or all) of these four dishes beforehand. All freeze beautifully and are simple to thaw and finish as your event arrives, leaving your guests none the wiser.

French Green Beans with Candied Pecans

Be that one relative that makes the casserole everyone loves by preparing this classic dish well in advance. Use our simple, flavorful recipe to prepare your casserole, then simply reheat it the day of your event, adding fried onions to the top for a just-baked crunch.

Mashed Candied Sweet Potatoes

A side that could almost pass for dessert, this sweet, fluffy recipe can be frozen well in advance, then reheated and topped with marshmallows you’ll brown in the oven just before serving.

Dinner Rolls

Save a trip to your local bakery by whipping up a batch of your favorite dinner rolls weeks in advance. Just remember to pull them out of the oven when they’re about 75% done. That way you can thaw them and finish them off in the oven just in time to be split, buttered and enjoyed.

Apple Pie
That fresh-baked apple pie you’ll serve at your next event doesn’t actually have to be baked the day it’s served to still taste fresh. In

Side dishes that will wow your guests